Share Your Wisdom

This blog is dedicated to acquiring tips and tricks from REAL WOMEN that have become experts in making the events of their lives extraordinary. This wisdom will be shared in the event-planning book I am writing called "Your Life and Times."

You're an event planner and probably don't even realize it! Did you ever direct your high school play or organize a school dance; plan a baby shower for your college roommate; volunteer to host the 3rd grade class Valentine's Day party; have a birthday party for your kids; organize a fundraiser for a sick friend; plan a company golf outing; serve as a scout leader or a Sunday School teacher; host a block party for the neighborhood; plan your parent's 50th wedding anniversary? If so, your experiences and your voice is what will make this book useful, unique and best of all fun to read.

Time-savers, planning tips, favorite websites, funny stories, or how you averted disaster on a special day - anything goes! But please only post what you are willing to share with the world - it could end up in the book!

Saturday, July 7

Spin the Bottle at a Kid's Birthday Party?!? Read on...

Thanks to Rebecca P. for this alternative activity to the  typical opening of the presents at a children's birthday party:

"A fun variation on opening gifts for kids' parties is to turn it into a 'spin the bottle' game. This avoids a free-for-all of "open mine first!", lost cards, hurt feelings, and general mayhem. You have all the party guests sit in a circle and the birthday child spins a bottle in the middle. Whoever the spin lands on, gets to draw a piece of paper from a jar and perform whatever silly or fun task is written on the paper...for example 'sing the first verse of your favorite song', 'make your silliest face', 'say the alphabet backwards', etc....the possibilities are endless. After performing the task, that child gives his/her gift to the birthday child to open. After the gift is opened, the child who was 'it' gets to spin the bottle to determine who goes next. If the bottle lands on someone who has already given his/her gift it defaults to the person to the left of that child. Play proceeds until everyone has had a turn. This worked wonders at Anna's party last opening was calm, civilized, and fun for everyone. She wants to do it again next year. I just wish I had come up with the idea years ago!”

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