You can’t walk into a discount store or office supply store this time of year without seeing aisles filled with back-to-school supplies. I’m always drawn to the bright colors and new crayon smells.
You may not have a child that needs a backpack full of new school supplies. But think ahead for a moment – is there an event coming up in your life that might require some of these same items?
Do you own a small business? Stock up on presentation binders, legal pads and computer supplies. Hosting a retreat or conference? You'll need pocket folders (five cents apiece!) and pens for the participants. If you’re a troop leader or a Sunday school teacher, or help with a children’s program at your local library, you can always use more markers, crayons, and other art supplies.
Take stock of your needs over the next few months and take advantage of the deeply discounted items on store shelves today.