Share Your Wisdom

This blog is dedicated to acquiring tips and tricks from REAL WOMEN that have become experts in making the events of their lives extraordinary. This wisdom will be shared in the event-planning book I am writing called "Your Life and Times."

You're an event planner and probably don't even realize it! Did you ever direct your high school play or organize a school dance; plan a baby shower for your college roommate; volunteer to host the 3rd grade class Valentine's Day party; have a birthday party for your kids; organize a fundraiser for a sick friend; plan a company golf outing; serve as a scout leader or a Sunday School teacher; host a block party for the neighborhood; plan your parent's 50th wedding anniversary? If so, your experiences and your voice is what will make this book useful, unique and best of all fun to read.

Time-savers, planning tips, favorite websites, funny stories, or how you averted disaster on a special day - anything goes! But please only post what you are willing to share with the world - it could end up in the book!

Sunday, January 30

Time to Move!

Buying or selling a home is a life-changing event.  Many times it is coupled with some other significant occurrence, such as the birth of a child, death of a spouse, or a change in job or income.  Whatever the reason, moving from one home to another is an emotional experience.   Whether you are moving across town or across the country, it can be overwhelming to select a realtor, prepare your home for showing to prospective buyers, and select a mover in addition to planning the actual move.  What tips or stories can you share that will make navigating this exciting and sometimes exasperating journey a little easier?

Wednesday, January 26

Book Excerpt: Basket Raffles

The premise of a basket raffle is simple:

1) Baskets of varying themes are donated or created.

2) Raffle tickets are sold both in advance and the day of your event – two-sided numbered tickets work best – one side goes in the raffle, and the other is kept by the donor for verification.

3) Tickets are placed in a clearly marked bag or other container attached to the basket(s) they want to win.

4) A drawing is made toward the end of your event, and baskets go home with the lucky winners!

This is an easy one if you’re having a school carnival or fundraiser. Just give each classroom a plastic laundry basket and a theme. Each child is asked to bring in an item – they shouldn’t have to spend more than $5.00-$7.00 each, and before you know it, you have a basket worth $100-$125. As an incentive, award each child who participates will receive a few free tickets to the carnival for each item they bring.

You can incorporate a basket raffle into almost any kind of fundraising event – ask for themed baskets from donors as well as your working committees.

Here are 47 BASKET THEMES to choose from - can you think of more?

Tuesday, January 25

Quotes to Live By - "Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product."

I love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. We all need to remember the times and the places when we have felt the most passionate, when that swell of happiness and contentment bubbled up inside – at that moment, you were living in your sweet spot.  The trick is making the decisions that will allow you to live in that sweet spot as much as possible - remove the obstacles, expect the unexpected, dive in and live your life of passion!  Linda J

Sunday, January 23

Wedding Waste

Where do you think the most money is wasted when planning a wedding? Think about any wedding you have helped plan (including your own). If you had to do it over, what would you eliminate or change to reduce the overall cost?

Effective Scout/Club Meetings

Have you ever been in charge of a scout group, 4-H group, or other children's club or organization? What did you do to keep the kids engaged? What were some of the challenges? What resources did you use? Where did you meet? What are some tips you can give to someone considering this kind of leadership role?

Smart Business Travel

Road warriors unite!  To everyone who travels for business - what is the best tip you can give your fellow travelers, whether its plane, train, or automobile?

Sunday School Tips

You're a Sunday School teacher, and trying to keep your class engaged in the learning process.  What works for you?

Auctions as Fundraisers

Auctions can be a great fundraiser for a non-profit organization.  What are the ways you've seen an auction used for fun and profit?

Memorable Bridal Showers

Have you ever thrown a bridal shower for a friend or family member?  Tell us what you did to make it memorable.

Shrinking Your Grocery Bill

What are the best tricks you've found to shrink your grocery bill?

Birthday Blues?

How is the economy changing the way you plan a birthday party or other gathering?  How are stretching a dollar when it comes to your party planning?

Pet Peeves Regarding Email

What are your pet peeves when it comes to email communication?  How do you manage your email inbox?